
How To Lock AirPods? Possible Or Not?

How to lock airpods

AirPods are one of the best-known headsets in the market. They are known for their comfortable designs and remarkable audio quality. Many people prefer AirPods over any other option available. Unfortunately, a lot of individuals encounter an issue where they lose their AirPods. It can happen due to many reasons like they are in the house somewhere but you don’t remember the last time you...

Why Do AirPods Hurt My Ears? Best Keys To Eliminating The Pain

Why Do AirPods Hurt My Ears

Headphones, earbuds, and headsets have become a necessity these days. You have to take an important call, simply put your earbuds in and you are good to go. No need to find a corner so you can talk quietly. Similarly, listening to an important podcast, a lecture, some music, or watching a funny clip. Everything is easier with headphones. These are the reasons why people tend to wear them for...

How Long Do Bose Headphones Last? Know The Value Of Your Spending

How Long Do Bose Headphones Last

People spend their money on headphones expecting they would last at least a few years before necessary replacement. Bose Headphones are a trustworthy brand regarding the durability of headsets. People rely on them because Bose claims their headphones are robust and long-lasting. But then we start to wonder how long do Bose headphones last. With proper care and hygiene, they certainly last a few...

Will My Alarm Go Off With AirPods In? Clarified!

Will My Alarm Go Off With AirPods In

We all wear headphones, earbuds, AirPods, or whatever suits us, and we all are culprits of sleeping with headphones on. Alarms are a mandatory part of our lives. Not being able to put on an alarm feels like a huge responsibility. Alarms work as our saviors, and by chance, if we miss one, the whole schedule goes upside down. Therefore, many people worry about “Will my alarm go off with...

Can You Sleep With AirPods Pro? Recommended Or Not?

Can You Sleep With AirPods Pro

A common question for the users of AirPods Pro is, Can You Sleep with AirPods Pro? There are multiple aspects to look at while talking about this. We will provide every possible detail, including all the pros and cons of using AirPods while asleep. The outcomes can differ from person to person as some people are good enough to stay at an exact position while asleep, and others are not good at it...

Are Airpods Good For Phone Calls? Explained!

Are Airpods Good For Phone Calls

Apple AirPods have a huge reputation, and they always live up to it. AirPods have amazing sound quality. They pick up sound very well. It is guaranteed that AirPods will pick up your voice wonderfully. The problem is that the mechanism is vast and far more difficult than just sound lifting quality. At this point, we start wondering, Are AirPods good for phone calls? Some people would say they...

Are AirPods Good For Gaming? We All Expect They Are

Are AirPods Good For Gaming

We all know that AirPods are great for music lovers. The sound quality and music range are incredible. However, individuals who are fond of playing games sometimes wonder Are AirPods good for gaming? We believe that they are good for some casual gaming, but for high-level professional gaming, they might not be a very good option. There are specifically designed headphones in the market that are...

Can AirPods Be Connected To Two Devices? Learn the Trick

Can AirPods Be Connected To Two Devices

Anyone who is an enthusiast of Apple devices knows that the company has created a storm worldwide. Anyone who comes into the grip of this storm leaves rarely. This means that as soon as you jump into the world of iOS products, there is no turning back. The products are expensive and high maintenance, but we proudly say they all are worth the money we spend on them. Apple products, however, are a...

Do AirPods Lose Battery When Not In Use? A Confusing Setback

Do AirPods Lose Battery When Not In Use

AirPods are one of the best headphones to consume, but unfortunately, like everything else, they have their setbacks. We all wonder, do AirPods lose battery when not in use? Because it has happened to all of us that we thought the AirPods are enough charged and have no battery when we use them again after some time. The situation can be irritating and makes us think, why can’t we switch...

How To Mute Airpods? Avoiding Unnecessary Disturbance

How To Mute Airpods

AirPods are an amazing invention. Undoubtedly, we can categorize them as one of the top-rated earphones. They have amazing sound quality, incredible battery life and are highly comfortable. Basically, they almost have all the typical characteristics of an earbud or a headphone. You name it, and it’s there. Individuals that are Apple fans know the worth of a pair of AirPods. However...